Neyra Solano - Summit

Neyra Solano

Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Sciences and Sustainable Development from the Loyola del Pacifico University, Bachelor’s degree in Education (specialization in Biology) from the Justo Sierra University and a master’s degree in Management Sciences from the Coastal Zone by the Tecnologico Nacional de Mexico, Guaymas campus. She has a diploma in masculinities: gender, power and politics from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM) and experience in the application of gender studies in Mexican fishing communities.Previously she has collaborated in the University Network for Disaster Prevention and Attention through organization and training of men, women, and children of the Bienes Comunales de Cacahuatepec, Guerrero. She currently holds the position of Gender Equality Specialist in the strategic line of Scaling up of the civil association Comunidad y Biodiversidad (COBI), leading since 2017 the national program Gender Equality in the Sea.