Kristin Kleisner
Is the Acting Chief Oceans Scientist at EDF. Her work investigates the impacts of climate change on the distribution and productivity of fish stocks and the implications for fisheries management systems around the world. Among other work, she has applied bio-economic models to understand the potential for climate-adaptive management to improve the biomass, harvest, and profits from fisheries. Kristin worked previously as a joint research scientist for NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole and The Nature Conservancy on ecosystem-based models and exploring the effect of climate change on fish stock distributions in New England. She also led research on the development of fisheries, food security, and ecosystem status indicators with IndiSeas (, FAO, UNESCO, and the Sea Around Us project, publishing approximately ten peer-reviewed studies on climate change impacts on fisheries. She holds a PhD in Marine Biology and Fisheries from the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science at the University of Miami.