The Summit has brought together various experts from the fishing and aquaculture sectors to share experiences, information, future actiones plans, commitments, and projects. The goal is to advance and grow, consolidating the movement towards sustainable seafood and inland waters products.

The Pesca con Futuro Latinoamérica (Fishing with Future Latin America) movemen't is spdreading as a tool towards sustainability, using markets as allies with envolving and growing tools. It serves as a blend of ideas and coolective wills, all for the common goal: to ensure that the seas, fishing, and aquaculture become activities with a future. The aim is to continue providing quality food to people consistently while simultaneously regenerating both nature and society.

Participation has included small-scale fishermen, industrial players, aquaculturists, producers of aquaculture feed, governments, international fisheries managmenet organizations, supermarkets, distributors of fish and aquaculture products, hotels, chefs, restaurants, and civil society organizations.