Alfonso Miranda
Business Administrator, executive and consultant, specialized in the fisheries and aquaculture sector, with professional development in different areas of the activity and occupying Top Management positions, both in the private and the public sectors. 34 years’ experience offer a clear enough perspective as to thoroughly know the national and international production sectors.
He works in top level international organization positions, such as the Interamerican Commission for Tropical Tuna (CIAT) where he is President. He is head of the two more important fisheries sectors for human consumption in Peru: The Fishing and Aquaculture Committee of the National Society of Industries, and the Peruvian Tuna Chamber. In 2018, he founded and was elected president of the committee for Sustainable Management of Giant Squid in Southern Pacific (CALAMASUR). This entity gathers businessmen, fishermen and Scientists from Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, and Chile.
In Peru, he represents foreign companies from Spain, Chile, Panama, and Ecuador, in long-term alliances for machinery trade and frozen fish, as well as facilitator for fishing vessel operations. Moreover, he is an external advisor and consultant for national companies.
Throughout his career path, he has integrated the Executive Committees of the most important groups in Peru: National Fisheries Society (SNP), Association of New Fishing Vessels (AANEP); National Society of Industries (SNI), and the Peruvian Tuna Chamber (CPA). He has been the founder and president of AANEP and CPA.
In the private sector, he has carried out assessment, consultancy, directory president, and management functions, in companies from the fishing sector, such as SIPESA, Astilleros INASA, Pez de Exportación SAC, and Transmarina del Peru SAC.